Rutledge Mirrors, S/2

Uttermost Home Accents Rutledge Mirrors, S/2 7082 at Nastasi's Furniture

The Uttermost Home Accents Rutledge Mirrors, S/2 is available in the Oaklyn, NJ area from Nastasi's Furniture. Please request information here or call our store to verify availability.

Brand: Uttermost

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Product Description: Clean and contemporary, each mirror exhibit linear metal frames with a nearly two inch open depth. Each frame is finished in a heavily antiqued gold, accented by slim beveled mirrors. May be hung horizontal or vertical.
Height: 30"
Width: 8"
Depth: 2"
Weight: 15 lb
SKU: 7082
Category: Home Accents
Type: Mirrors , Rectangular Mirrors
Nastasi's Furniture
Sales & Service: (856) 854-3198

Rutledge Mirrors, S/2

Rutledge Mirrors, S/2
SKU 7082
Type Mirrors
Category Home Accents
Brand Uttermost
Product Description Clean and contemporary, each mirror exhibit linear metal frames with a nearly two inch open depth. Each frame is finished in a heavily antiqued gold, accented by slim beveled mirrors. May be hung horizontal or vertical.
Height 30"
Width 8"
Depth 2"
Weight 15 lb