Purity Agapanthus Centerpiece

Uttermost Home Accents Purity Agapanthus Centerpiece 60221 at Nastasi's Furniture

The Uttermost Home Accents Purity Agapanthus Centerpiece is available in the Oaklyn, NJ area from Nastasi's Furniture. Please request information here or call our store to verify availability.

Brand: Uttermost

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Product Description: A grand statement and symbol of purity and beauty, this lifelike white agapanthus reaches almost 40" tall and rests atop faux moss and soil in a gloss white ceramic planter.
Height: 39"
Width: 30"
Depth: 30"
Weight: 18 lb
SKU: 60221
Category: Home Accents
Type: Accessories , Foliage
Nastasi's Furniture
Sales & Service: (856) 854-3198
Website: https://www.nastasisfurniture.com/

Purity Agapanthus Centerpiece

Purity Agapanthus Centerpiece
SKU 60221
Type Accessories
Category Home Accents
Brand Uttermost
Product Description A grand statement and symbol of purity and beauty, this lifelike white agapanthus reaches almost 40" tall and rests atop faux moss and soil in a gloss white ceramic planter.
Height 39"
Width 30"
Depth 30"
Weight 18 lb