Ardusin Hobby Bench, White

Uttermost Living Room Ardusin Hobby Bench, White 25421 at Nastasi's Furniture

The Uttermost Living Room Ardusin Hobby Bench, White is available in the Oaklyn, NJ area from Nastasi's Furniture. Please request information here or call our store to verify availability.

Brand: Uttermost

Availability: Please Call for Availability

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Product Description: Craftsman built of select hardwoods hand finished in aged white, with storage shelves, and two solid mahogany dovetail bins in a warm honey finish. Bins are 15"x 8"x 9" in size.
Height: 19"
Width: 41"
Depth: 16"
Weight: 71 lb
Availability: Please Call for Availability
SKU: 25421
Category: Living Room
Type: Benches
Nastasi's Furniture
Sales & Service: (856) 854-3198

Ardusin Hobby Bench, White

Ardusin Hobby Bench, White
SKU 25421
Type Benches
Category Living Room
Availability Please Call for Availability
Brand Uttermost
Product Description Craftsman built of select hardwoods hand finished in aged white, with storage shelves, and two solid mahogany dovetail bins in a warm honey finish. Bins are 15"x 8"x 9" in size.
Height 19"
Width 41"
Depth 16"
Weight 71 lb