380 Sectional

Masterfield Furniture Co. Living Room 380 Sectional 380 Sectional at Nastasi's Furniture

The Masterfield Furniture Co. Living Room 380 Sectional is available in the Oaklyn, NJ area from Nastasi's Furniture. Please request information here or call our store to verify availability.

Brand: Masterfield Furniture Co.

View Comparison 0
Additional Information : 380 LAF Return
381 LAF Sofa
382 LAF Loveseat
383 LAF Sleeper
384 RAF Return
385 RAF Sofa
386 RAF Loveseat
387 RAF Sleeper
388 Armless Chair
389 Armless Loveseat
379 Curved Corner
Features: Standard with loosebacks.
SKU: 380 Sectional
Category: Living Room
Type: Sectionals
Nastasi's Furniture
Sales & Service: (856) 854-3198
Website: https://www.nastasisfurniture.com/

380 Sectional

380 Sectional
SKU 380 Sectional
Type Sectionals
Category Living Room
Brand Masterfield Furniture Co.
Additional Information 380 LAF Return
381 LAF Sofa
382 LAF Loveseat
383 LAF Sleeper
384 RAF Return
385 RAF Sofa
386 RAF Loveseat
387 RAF Sleeper
388 Armless Chair
389 Armless Loveseat
379 Curved Corner
Features Standard with loosebacks.